The application of the provisions of the Newcastle MBA Golf Club Inc. Constitution will apply, viz: 4.3 Membership shall be open to members of the Newcastle Masters Builders Association together with any persons presently or formerly engaged in business or activities which are integral to the building and construction industry or which are allied to the building and construction industry (including consultants and suppliers) and who support the objects of the club. 4.4 To qualify for membership of the Club, a person must have been actively engaged in the activities detailed in 4.3 above for at least any period of 3 months prior to acceptance to membership. Current members of the Club who do not satisfy the membership requirements of the Constitution shall remain members until resignation or membership lapses. A potential member submitting a membership application at an event and paying the appropriate fees shall play as a Visitor until such time as the application is considered by the Board. This consideration by the Board may be on the day of the event. 5.1 Full Member. Full members must be a member of a recognised golf club and have an Australian Golf Handicap. Full members are entitled to stand for office and to represent the club at external tournaments. FEES
Joining Fee: $100 – Applicable to both new members and lapsed memberships. Annual Fee (2021) $50 Membership shall lapse if the Annual Fee is not paid by 31 March each year. GREEN & CART HIRE FEES Green and Cart hire fees are set annually by the Board and are determined following receipt of prices from the event hosts. Appendix 1 details fees for the current year HANDICAPS
The maximum handicaps applying to all events shall be: Men 36 Women 40 Social Visitors (without a GA) - Generally 27 However, at its discretion, the Match Committee may amend this handicap. GRADES Unless advised to the contrary, handicaps for all events shall be: A Grade 0 – 16 B Grade 17 – 22 C Grade 23 - 36 VISITORS Visitors will be required to advise their handicap on registration but scores will not be entered into GolfLink. EVENT “NO SHOW”
A member who has registered for an event and does not present on the day and does not advise the Golf Coordinator (Mobile 0408 490 005 or email [email protected]) or the Treasurer (Mobile 0413 158 589 or email [email protected]) by COB the preceding day shall be liable for the applicable game day fee. However, advice of an emergency will be accepted on the day of the event. LOYALTY VOUCHERS
Once only Loyalty Vouchers are issued to members reaching the membership milestones listed in accordance with the following:
Two model golf rules will apply to the Club Championship Stroke Rounds to assist with the pace of play: Rule 1 Ball lost or out of bounds: A ball can be dropped at the nearest point on the fairway for a 2 stroke penalty This option allows the player to drop in a large area between the point where the ball is estimated to have come to rest or gone out of bounds and the edge of the fairway of the hole being played that is not nearer the hole. The player gets two penalty strokes when using this relief option. This Local Rule cannot be used for an unplayable ball, or for a ball that is known or virtually certain to be in a penalty area. If a provisional ball is played and neither the original ball nor the provisional ball can be found, then the Local Rule may be applied for the provisional ball that cannot be found. Rule 2 Maximum strokes per hole 4 over par: Once a player has played 4 shots over par for that hole, that score can be recorded e.g. 9 on a par 5, 8 on a par 4 and 7 on a par3
SPONSOR GOLFING BENEFITS (in addition to advertising & representation benefits)
All sponsors will be provided one Annual membership as part of their sponsorship entitlement. For details of the golfing benefits offered to sponsors or to sponsor an event, contact the Secretary on 0425 301 100 or [email protected] ANNUAL TROPHIES
The Averaged Aggregate Stableford competition is the average of each player's 5 best stableford scores, from a possible 9 stableford events. This means if you play all 9 events, you can drop your worst 4 scores. You must play at least 5 rounds to be competitive, as any missed rounds will count as zero. Prizes are awarded to winner ($100) plus second ($75) and third ($50) placegetters. Annual Point Score Winner ($100) plus second ($75) and third ($50) Points are awarded on the following basis: Event attendance: 2 points Third in grade: 3 points Second in grade: 4 points First in grade: 5 points Club Championships.
36 Hole Scratch Score A Grade: 0 - 16. Winner ($100) & Runner-up ($75) B Grade: 17 - 22. Winner ($100) & Runner-up ($75) C Grade: 23 - 36. Winner ($100) & Runner-up ($75) 36 Hole Nett Score A Grade: 0 - 16. Winner ($100) & Runner-up ($75) B Grade: 17 - 22. Winner ($100) & Runner-up ($75) C Grade: 23 - 36. Winner ($100) & Runner-up ($75)
Stableford & Stroke Rounds
A Grade Winner$50 Voucher Runner Up $35 Voucher Third $25 Voucher B Grade Winner$50 Voucher Runner Up $35 Voucher Third $25 Voucher C Grade Winner$50 Voucher Runner Up $35 Voucher Third $25 Voucher NTP Front Nine Must be present to claim A Grade B Grade C Grade Sponsor’s Gifts NTP Back Nine Must be present to claim A Grade B Grade C Grade Sponsor’s Gifts NTP 2nd Shot x 2 Must be present to claim A Grade B Grade C Grade Sponsor’s Gifts Novelty Drive (discontnued as at 27 Oct 2022) Must be present to claim A Grade B Grade C Grade Sponsor’s Gifts Vistor’s Trophy 2 Bottles of Wine Must be present to claim Ball Competition Must be present to claim A,B and C Grades Next 8 placegetters – 1 ball Winners, runners up & third place getters re excluded. Ambrose Winners $50 Vouchers x 4 Runners Up $35 Vouchers x 4 Third $25 Vouchers x 4 Bradman’s Trophy $25 Vouchers x 4 (Only Ambrose) PENALTY POINTS
In the interest of a more equitable distribution of event prizes, a Penalty Points system operates. A player who placed first in any grade will be penalised 3 points for the next and subsequent games. Similarly, for runners up and third place getters, 2 points and 1 point penalty is applied. Penalty points are cumulative over the calendar year. ANNUAL NATIONAL TOURNAMENT
An annual National Master Builders Association tournament is conducted over 5 days in October with hosting rotating between the seven member states or regions. The state/regional teams compete for the M R Hornibrook Cup. To qualify for the competing team, members must have played at five club events in the preceding year. The state/regional Match Committees have the discretion to vary this qualification requirement in exceptional circumstances. LG – 10 July 2021 |