Fri 1/20/2017 11:22 AM GA Communications: DSR Change + Poster on new Local Rule To – All Australian Clubs
1. Handicapping Communication Please see attached a communication from the Golf Australia Chairman on an amendment to the DSR regulations that will come into effect at 5.00am on Monday 30 January 2017.
2. Poster on New Local Rule for Ball Accidentally Moved on the Putting Green GA has produced a poster (attached) to help clubs and golfers with the new local rule that the R&A made available for use from 1 January 2017. The poster is available from the following GA webpage –
We would encourage clubs to send a link to this poster to all club members (included for example in a club enewsletter). The web page address to use is
GA will also send 3 copies of the poster to every club. There is no requirement for a club to include the local rule on their score cards in addition to displaying the poster on a noticeboard. The poster includes an abbreviated version of the local rule which in no way alters the effect of the full version of the text. More information on the local rule is available from the following page of the GA website –
Please let me know if you have any queries.
Kind regards,
Simon Magdulski Director – Rules & Handicapping, Golf Australia
From:Golf Link [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, 28 October 2015 3:46 PM To:N MBA Golf Club Subject: THE LINK: Changes to the Rules of Golf
FOUR alterations to the Rules of Golf by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club (R&A) and the United States Golf Association (USGA) will come into effect in January 2016, including changes to some of the most contentious regulations in the game. The latest edition of the Rules of Golf will keep players from being disqualified if a penalty is discovered after they have signed their scorecards, one of the most often bemoaned penalties particularly at the professional level. As it stands, players who are not aware of a rules violation until after their rounds have been knocked out of the tournament because when the penalty is applied, they are guilty of signing for an incorrect score.
Now there is an exception to Rule 6-6d that says a player will not be disqualified for an incorrect scorecard if he was not aware of the rules violation when he signed the card. Instead, the appropriate penalty will be applied to the player's score and he will be allowed to continue in the tournament. In another addition of common sense, if a player's ball moves upon address, the player is now not automatically deemed to be the reason the ball moved and subsequently penalised. The 'Withdrawal of Rule on Moving Ball After Address' means a player will only be penalised one stroke "when the facts show that the player has caused the ball to move".
A downgrade in the penalty for a a player using outlawed equipment or artificial devices has also been announced. Now if a player breaches Rule 14-3 (Artificial Devices, Unusual Equipment and Abnormal Use of Equipment), he or she will be penalised two strokes or loss of hole upon the first breach and then disqualified for any subsequent infraction. This is a downgrade from the automatic disqualification upon a first breach that previously existed.
The ban on an 'anchored' putting stroke was announced in May 2013, with a two-stroke penalty to be handed to any player who infringes.
The rules are updated every four years by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club and the US Golf Association.
----- Original Message ----- From:Simon Magdulski To:N MBA Golf Club Sent: Monday, 28 September 2015 6:37 PM Subject: UPDATE: Pace of Play Guidance Material
To – All Australian Golf Clubs
Dear All,
This is a follow-up to my 30 April communication to you on the work being done under the leadership of The R&A on pace of play. This work will result in the production of international guidance material that will be of assistance to those clubs or organisations who are affected by the pace of play issue.
To assist with the development of this guidance material, The R&A will convene a forum in late November where it will invite contributions from a range of organisations in golf on addressing pace of play and explore the key areas of player behaviour, management approaches and golf course issues. This forum will work through the findings of The R&A survey of golfers and it will also discuss the GA survey of Australian clubs. Reports of The R&A and GA surveys are available from the following page of the GA website –
GA will be represented at this forum and we look forward to contributing as much as we can to it. To best enable us to put all Australian considerations forward in our presentation to The R&A forum we now invite any club or other industry entity to email to us (at [email protected]) any submission or thoughts it may have that has been provoked by either the GA report or The R&A report, or by discussion of pace of play generally. Emails must be received by Tuesday 20 October.
Please contact me with any queries. I look forward in due course to communicating the international guidance to the Australian golf industry upon its release.
Kind regards,
Simon Magdulski Director – Rules & Handicapping, Golf Australia
Telephone 03 9626 5023 Mobile 0409 214 320
From:N MBA Golf Club Sent: Wednesday, 5 August 2015 5:31 PM To: MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Newcastle
Greetings Members, Sponsors & Visitors, please click HERE for the results from Monday's Bass Floor Company sponsored Golf Day at Newcastle Golf Club. The field was comprised of 61 competitors, including 15 sponsors' and members' guests, including 2 from Muirfield GC in Sydney.
Also available at the above link are updates on the Annual Points Score, and Aggregate Stableford competitions
The players enjoyed an outstanding day for golf ~ mild, sunny, breezy and dry ~ on a course in excellent condition. Scoring however turned out to be difficult, made more so by the wind and the slickness of the greens. A modest 33 point round by Newcastle member Chris Momsen was the standout score of the day, with only a handful of others achieving 30+ points.
The luckiest member on the day was Captain Peter who scored the $200 members' name draw jackpot on the third draw. Commiserations go to Geoff Barnett, who left before the draw, and Graeme Thomas who uncharacterisically didn't attend this quality course. It sure pays to play, and to stay, especially given the quality and generous quantity of the finger food which rounded out the AGM after completion of play !!! Thank you Newcastle GC.
A reminder that our next event is the BUILDERS -V- ARCHITECTS challenge at Merewether Golf Club.
From:N MBA Golf Club Sent: Sunday, 2 August 2015 4:20 PM To: MBA Golf Club Members Subject: AGM ~ 2015 .... Agenda Importance: High
Greetings Members,
In consequence of 21 days notice (minimum of 14 days, published on the 13th July 2015) of the Newcastle MBA Golf Club Annual General Meeting to be held at Newcastle Golf Club on Monday 3rd August 2015, the AGM Agenda is confirmed as follows......
Previous Minutes (2014)
Tabling of President's Address
Tabling of Captain's Report
Tabling of Secretary's Report
Tabling of Treasurer's Report
Election of Officers & Committee
General Business
Declaration of Election (post item 7)
FYI, a draft detailed Agenda can be found HERE, consideration of which before the meeting should enable timely disposition of the issues raised therein. Reports will be tabled as per the agenda, and will also be included in the Minutes of the Meeting. This will save the time in reading them out to the meeting. Questions will be accepted from the floor.
There are insufficient Nominations for Committee to necessitate a Ballot. Therefore those who have nominated will succeed unopposed, subject to the scrutiny of the Nomination forms. As per the Constitution, Nominations for Returning Officers will be called for from the floor. They cannot themselves be candidates for election. Their tasks, on the day, will be:
to scrutinise the Nomination Forms of the Candidates.
----- Original Message ----- From:Simon Magdulski To:N MBA Golf Club Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 10:07 AM Subject: Handicapping Update from GA Chairman
To All Australian Golf Clubs,
I am writing to update you on two major areas of handicapping work that Golf Australia is currently involved with.
Scheduled statistical audit of new GA Handicap System
We are in the process of performing some scheduled ‘health-checking’ on the handicap and competition results patterns being delivered by the new GA Handicap System now that it has been fully operational for 17 months.
Before introducing Slope, Stableford Handicapping, DSR, etc in January 2014 we conducted detailed statistical modelling, and we also trialled DSR for over a year in a diverse range of 20 regional and metropolitan clubs. We were however mindful that the general experience across any field of operation is that pre-implementation modelling is not a genuine substitute for real lived, breathed experience. As a result, an audit was scheduled for when we were in possession of full data across all four seasons.
Regular statistical audits are scheduled to occur into the future to ensure the handicap system continues to operate in accordance with industry preferences.The current audit is extensive and is involving analysis of over 20 million scores. We look forward to communicating the findings to clubs in the near future.
Worldwide Handicap System
The R&A and the USGA have for the past few years been leading a project to develop a Worldwide Handicap System. The five other organisations involved in this project are Golf Australia, the European Golf Association (EGA), CONGU (which is the British & Irish handicapping authority), the South African Golf Association, and the Argentine Golf Association. This project has now developed to a point where we believe a worldwide handicap system will be on offer to all countries around the world within the next few years.
Whilst there will be no obligation on a country to be involved in the new worldwide system, GA believes that significant benefits can be delivered to world golf by having a single parent body for handicapping. The parent body will be able to provide comprehensive guidance to any national association on the handicapping regulations which will work best to promote and sustain the development of the game in that country's jurisdiction. This service should be particularly beneficial to national associations in the newer golf countries. The choice of regulations will be made strictly from those available within the Worldwide Handicap System menu. Given The R&A's knowledge of the golf culture in the countries affiliated to it, GA believes The R&A has a unique role to play in the leadership of this initiative as it works together with the USGA.
The Worldwide Handicap System project has been significantly aided by a statistical research body comprising one member each from the USGA, Golf Australia, the EGA, and CONGU.
GA has invested heavily in the Worldwide Handicap System process and we have been very pleased to be able to lend our expertise as an international leader on handicapping.
The GA Board looks forward to receiving the final proposal on the make-up of the Worldwide System. We are mindful of the amount of handicapping change that has occurred in Australia in recent times. We also believe that the Worldwide System is likely to provide the flexibility to ensure there would be only minimal (if any) further adjustment required for Australian clubs and golfers.
Net competitions are more important to the culture of Australian clubs than they are to the club culture in any other country. This is a proud feature of Australian golf. The GA Board is committed to ensuring that the handicap system in use in Australia provides the best possible service for our clubs and golfers.
Should you have any queries on either of the above items, please contact GA’s Rules & Handicapping Director, Simon Magdulski ([email protected]).
Yours sincerely,
John Hopkins OAM Chairman – Golf Australia
----- Original Message ----- From:Simon Magdulski To:N MBA Golf Club Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 1:12 PM Subject: Pace of Play - R&A Online Survey for Golfers (+ GA Survey of Clubs)
To – All Australian Golf Clubs
Dear All,
I am writing to advise you of two surveys being conducted on pace of play. Firstly, The R&A is conducting a global survey of individual golfers. This is now liveand can be viewed on the following webpage – Secondly, in the coming weeks Golf Australia will build on the work of The R&A and open a survey of Australian club administrations. These two pieces of research are being conducted with a view to determining: the true extent of the issue, an understanding of all of the causes, the degree of importance the industry attaches to trying to improve pace of play, and what the most effective strategies will be. We believe the survey of individual golfers will deliver a comprehensive understanding of the views and preferences of golfers (or customers), whilst the club survey (ie the survey of the service providers) will detail the impacts on club businesses and golf operations as well as to provide an appreciation for what strategies are effective in practice and are considered to be realistic for club administrators to implement in the real world.
The R&A’s survey of individual golfer views and attitudes on pace of play is open to all golfers in every country.In Australia, we will promote The R&A survey to the entire GOLF Link database of golfers. This will be done via email which will be sent this Friday (10 October). In addition, we would be very grateful if you can help us to assist The R&A by promoting this survey directly to your membership.
For the GA survey of Australian clubs, access details will be provided to club administrators in the coming weeks. We have commissioned Jeff Blunden to manage the GA club survey and reporting.
Many thanks for whatever assistance you can provide in promoting The R&A survey to your club members ( We would also encourage you to do The R&A survey yourself and provide your own individual views through it.
Please contact me if you have any queries.
Kind regards,
Simon Magdulski Director – Rules & Handicapping, Golf Australia
Telephone 03 9626 5023 Mobile 0409 214 320
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Monday, December 30, 2013 9:19 AM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Closing Day
Greetings Members, Visitors & Sponsors,
please click HERE for the results both from the Closing Day event held at Shortland Waters Golf Club, and the Annual Trophies for 2013 Congratulations to all of the recipients.
With 2013 being our 50th Anniversary year, we were gratified to be patronised by 100 starters, including 8 sponsor's and members' guests which must be some kind of record. Once again we were lucky with the weather, and after a very brief shower before our start, pleasant conditions assured all of a most enjoyable round of golf. A feature of the day was the quick pace of play, with times well under 4 hours being recorded, and the whole field completed in a little less than 4.5 hrs.
The presentation during dinner of both the day's prizes and the annual trophies was a lively affair, but the highlight of the event was the interview segment "When Men become Boys" hosted by MC Mike Rabbitt during which the Club's founding Captain Reg Parker, Secretary John Pickles and long time stalwarts Barry Barrett and Bill Collins shared reminiscences with the assembled guests. Our thanks again to the many former members who were able to share this milestone event with us, and to NBN and Mike Rabbitt for the very generous donation of his time.
The meal by Shortland Waters Grill was generous and most enjoyable, as were the wines provided once again by IronBark Hill. President Gary conveyed on behalf of the whole membership our gratitude to the loyal sponsors who support the club throughout the year, both on and off the course.
All members and their guests are advised that they should be around in January for our Opening Day (top 32 to qualify for the Airview AluminiumSingles KO) on the 20th at Waratah. We've maintained the program at 12 games. There will be an email with the details.....or consult the website.....HERE.
Thanks to you the members and sponsors for turning out in such positive numbers during 2013, to make the year yet another success. I trust everyone has enjoyed a safe and happy Christmas, and I wish you all health and prosperity in the New Year.
Greetings gentlemen, it has been determined by the committee that former N MBA GC members attending the 50th Anniversary Golf Day will be accorded Honorary Membership for the event, and be charged at the normal member rate of $60.
Please feel welcome to register for this event in any combination of players, i.e. as a single player, a pair, or as a full team, all equally acceptable. Final teams will be determined by the match committee.
Members are reminded that the appropriate method of nomination is through the web based form, which can be found HERE. Other forms of registration, either by phone, voicemail, text or email, may not reach the intended recipient. regards,
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:32 AM Subject: Congratulations to Bobby Roberts !!!
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 4:09 PM Subject: Vale ~ John Jolley
Greetings Members,
Sad news with the recent passing of John Jolley, father of club members Chris and Ken, and grandfather to Benn. John enjoyed a long and active life, and has left with his boys a love of cricket and golf.
Our thoughts are with the Jolley family at this sorrowful time.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 3:08 PM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Hawks Nest
Greetings Members, Sponsors & Visitors,
please click HERE for the results from Wednesday's MGA Insurance Brokers sponsored Golf Day at Hawks Nest Golf Club.
The field was comprised of 62 starters, including 11 members' or sponsor's guests, with two guests, Ron Armstrong and Geoff Barnett, signing up as new members.
A convivial coach trip up was followed by an earlier than schedued start. It was an ideal day for golf ~ overcast and cool, windless, dry but for a few drops and ultimately sunny ~ on a course obviously benefitting from a natural sand-based drainage system. Scoring at this event was modest, with daylight between John McLaughlin's 38 points and the rest of the field. Particularly pleasing was that our large field again managed to finish in time for dinner. Fortunately lunch maintained its former high standard. Dinner was as enjoyable as ever, with nearly the whole field remaining to partake in the presentation and the IronBark Hill dinner wines.
Hoping to see you on a golf course somewhere, soon.....
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 3:26 PM Subject: AGM ~ 2013
Greetings Members,
please be advised that the Annual General Meeting is scheduled for 5:00pm on Monday 5th August, at Newcastle Golf Club (after the golf). Please ensure any agenda items you wish discussed, as well as Nominations for Office, reach this desk no later than close of business on Monday 29th July 2013.
A copy of the Club Constitution (includes a blank Nomination Form), which governs our AGM & Election of Officers procedures, is attached. A permanent copy of the Constitution can also be found on the club's website....
Members > Information > Conditions of Play > Rules & HERE
A complimentary drink and finger food will be served at the meeting.
Members are requested to indicate whether they will attend the AGM when Registering for the Newcastle HERE
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2013 12:18 PM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Day ~ Hawks Nest GC ~ Wednesday 10th July 2013 Greetings Members and Sponsors,
click HERE to read the Notice for next month's golf day @ Hawks Nest Golf Club. Be advised that this day is an Individual Stableford event, and will be conducted over two grades, commencing from two tees from 10:00 am. Eligible players (those with GolfLink handicaps) will also be playing in the Hawks Nest GC Individual Stableford and 2BBB competitions.
To be contested as well are the semi-finals of the Air View AluminiumSingles Knockout. Participants should consult with their opponents and sort out cart hire and tee groupings before registration.
A coach will depart from the International Sports Centre carpark at 8:00 am. Seating will be limited to those who book first. A light lunch will be provided at the club at half-way. Dinner will be in the clubhouse at approximately 5:00 pm, with the coach returning from Hawks Nest at 6:30 pm.
Members and visitors are reminded that the cost of this premium golf day is all inclusive of coach, lunch, golf and dinner, as determined by Committee Resolution 4.2 of 29th March 2010.....
A policy was adopted that premium golf day fees are an all inclusive offer to our members and guests, as prices are negotiated in advance on a notified attendance level, and are generally well subsidised by the club. This will encourage members to take full advantage of the whole of the days’ activities and is consistent with the club’s stated aim of encouraging participation and networking between the members of the club.
It was determined that this policy should be adequately publicised to the membership to avoid misunderstanding at any future events.
Consequently, no discount is offered should you not utilise the coach provided, or attend the dinner.
Cart hire is up to the individual. To avoid disappointment, it is considered prudent to book carts in advance with Steve or Eddie at the Pro Shop (ph. 02 4997 0740).
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 6:27 PM Subject: YuleFest 2013 Greetings members & visitors,
please click on link below for Sunday's event PHOTO GALLERY
The outstanding success of the day was largely due to the fantastic weather, the charming staff at Rocksalt, the seamless organisation of Lynn Gray and Mark ConnorstheLife Member, some unscheduled entertainment from the Prez & Captain Peter, but most of all to the enthusiasm of the guests, all fuelled by a very resourceful Howard Ward. Many thanks to all involved... regards,
Xmas in July ~ Sunday 7th ~ 3 course luncheon ~ Rocksalt on Newcastle Marina ~ IronBark Hill Wines
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 11:42 AM Subject: Xmas in July ~ Sunday 7th ~ 3 course luncheon ~ Rocksalt on Newcastle Marina ~ IronBark Hill Wines
click here to register.....
or here to lodge an apology...........................
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2013 7:39 AM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Morisset Country Club Greetings Members, Sponsors & Visitors,
congratulations to the winners at Wednesday's Golf Day at Morisset, sponsored by Newcastle Permanent and incorporating the quarter-finals of the Air View AluminiumSingles Knock Out.
Full results can be found on the club's website by clicking your mouse here. Happy snaps by Arja (compliments of Dave's Golf Shop) can be found here.
The field was comprised of 66 contestants, including 11 sponsors' representatives and guests. Conditions were sunny, clear and mild, but wet underfoot. Fortunately carts were permitted after the recent heavy rains. With a few outstanding exceptions, the generally modest scores were indicative of the challenging playing conditions. The greens at Morisset are always deserving of mention....look like carpet, play like lino...although not quite as fast as in the past.
John McLaughlin, deprived of a place in the major prizes on countback, was compensated with the Members Name Draw prize, jackpotted to $200....thanks again to sponsor Australian Truck & Bus Finance for this exciting innovation...remember, it pays to stay for the presentation.
A reminder that our prize vouchers are redeemable at IronBark Hill Vineyard, where they benefit from a hefty member's discount and that they are otherwise valid ONLY at the clubs and/or the proshops on the Club's playing calendar (all of whom are active sponsors of our NTP events). Consult your program card, or check HERE before asking at your local club. Refusal can be embarassing, both for the member and for the former sponsor.
Registrations are already rolling in for this year's Xmas in July, a highly recommended and top value Sunday daytime event for you, your partner and your friends. Very popular in previous years, in 2013 we're relaxing at Rocksalt on Newcastle Marina, enjoying a 3 course lunch and entertainment by Howard Ward.. Sponsor IronBark Hill Wines will also be featured, what more could you want on a winter's day. ~
Hornibrook registrations are also due. With 23 confirmed starters, there is still room for a couple more, and as the venue is close by in Sydney, 2013 is a excellent opportunity to sample this excellent tour/tournament which, as President Gary has pointed out, will lead to lifelong valuable friendships. New team members are encouraged. ~ RSVP ASAP
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 8:16 PM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Day ~ Morisset CC ~ 5th June 2013
Greetings Members, Visitors and Sponsors,
Please click HERE for the Notice for next month's golf day @ Morisset Country Club. Be advised that this day is an individual stableford event, and will be conducted over 2 grades. The quarter finals of the Air View AluminiumSingles Knockout will be held in conjunction.
This venue, at just an hour north of Sydney via the F3 freeway, is an attractive, quality and cost effective option for our reciprocal members in the MB & E NSW. Please come and share an outstanding golf course, with half a cart and with brekky thrown in, all for under $50...
Cart hire is up to the individual. To avoid disappointment, it is considered prudent to book carts in advance (at MCC member rate of $30) with Dave or Arja at the Pro Shop (ph. 02 4973 2455).
In order to grade the field and allocate appropriate tees for this shotgun start, you are requested to indicate, upon registration ....
your name & current handicap,
your playing partner and their current handicap,
whether you're using a HIRE or your OWN motorised cart
Be advised that the sponsor is providing bacon and egg rolls between 9:00 and 10:15am, so timely arrival and registration is encouraged.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 5:00 AM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Pacific Dunes
Greetings Members, Sponsors & Visitors
please click HERE for the results from yesterday's first round of the Club Championships at Pacific Dunes, sponsored by VBD Chartered Accountants . The field was comprised of 63 contestants, including 4 members' guests, 3 sponsor's guests and 4 visitors from NSW MB & E, Lynn Astley, Rod Wheatley, Reynold Sciuriaga and his guest Peter Hale. Thanks for making the trip up, along with our regular Sydney based member, Don Eagar.
The weather was absolutely perfect, and the course as usual was in great shape, although the greens seemed a little quick for many. The scores were indicative of the challenge presented by this iconic golf course, with only one sub par net score. Special mention once again of the staff at Pacific Dunes, particularly Jodie Ireland and Kurt Linde, for their generous and professional assistance in organising a very enjoyable golfing experience.
The membership was once again graced by a rare cool weather appearance by immediate past President Warren Deane, along with other first time (in 2013) appearances by members Greg Dawson, Ron Laing and new member Ian Player.
Additional thanks to Scott and the girls from VBDfor their generous contribution to our 2013 Charity efforts in support of disadvantaged children in the Hunter, by conducting an innovative NTP comp for 2 iPad Minis, won by dead-eye Kevin Woodcock and dead-lucky George Bannerman.
Looking forward to Newcastle Permanent's event at Morisset on Wednesday 5th round of the Airview Aluminium Singles Knockout. Be advised that the Australian Truck & Bus Finance P/L sponsored Members' Name Draw prize of $200 cash went unclaimed, with 3 unlucky members drawn and not present. This jackpots to $200 for the next draw..
Also on the website is an update on the Annual Points Score and Aggregate Stableford competitions.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 5:30 AM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Day ~ Pacific Dunes GC ~ Thursday 9th May 2013 Greetings Members, Sponsors and Visitors,
Please click HERE for the Notice for Thursday 9th May's first round of the Club Championship @ Pacific Dunes Golf Club. Be advised that this is an individual stroke event, and is to be played in 3 grades.
A Grade 0~14 B Grade 15~22 C Grade 23~36
Newcastle Permanent, loyal supporter of this event for quite some time, has determined to refocus their sponsorship and will be represented at Morisset, as well as The Vintage later in the calendar. VBD Chartered Accountants has generously sponsored this next event. Our thanks goes to member Scott Norrish (VBD Director), who also acts as our Honorary Auditor.
Shared motorised cart hire is included in the cost of the day. No booking is necessary.
Bacon & Egg rolls (sponsored by your club) are available before play.
A food and drinks cart will be available on the course, at members' own cost.
A Dress Code applies at Pacific Dunes. Men:
Long pants, dress shorts or cargo shorts
Collared shirt or full button shirt
Anklet, sport or full length socks
Golf shoes with soft spikes
NO board shorts, track suit pants or denim
Long pants, dress shorts or knee length skirt
Collared shirt or full button shirt
Anklet, sport or full length socks
Golf shoes with soft spikes
NO board shorts, track suit pants or denim
Cart and Tee allocations, as well as Competition Card preparation, are all dependent upon accurate registrations. Should a member, after registering for play, find themselves unable to attend, it is their responsibility to advise their partner, endeavour to secure a replacement and have the registration sheet altered.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 5:00 AM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Pacific Dunes
Greetings Members, Sponsors & Visitors
please click HERE for the results from yesterday's first round of the Club Championships at Pacific Dunes, sponsored by VBD Chartered Accountants . The field was comprised of 63 contestants, including 4 members' guests, 3 sponsor's guests and 4 visitors from NSW MB & E, Lynn Astley, Rod Wheatley, Reynold Sciuriaga and his guest Peter Hale. Thanks for making the trip up, along with our regular Sydney based member, Don Eagar.
The weather was absolutely perfect, and the course as usual was in great shape, although the greens seemed a little quick for many. The scores were indicative of the challenge presented by this iconic golf course, with only one sub par net score. Special mention once again of the staff at Pacific Dunes, particularly Jodie Ireland and Kurt Linde, for their generous and professional assistance in organising a very enjoyable golfing experience.
The membership was once again graced by a rare cool weather appearance by immediate past President Warren Deane, along with other first time (in 2013) appearances by members Greg Dawson, Ron Laing and new member Ian Player.
Additional thanks to Scott and the girls from VBDfor their generous contribution to our 2013 Charity efforts in support of disadvantaged children in the Hunter, by conducting an innovative NTP comp for 2 iPad Minis, won by dead-eye Kevin Woodcock and dead-lucky George Bannerman.
Looking forward to Newcastle Permanent's event at Morisset on Wednesday 5th round of the Airview Aluminium Singles Knockout. Be advised that the Australian Truck & Bus Finance P/L sponsored Members' Name Draw prize of $200 cash went unclaimed, with 3 unlucky members drawn and not present. This jackpots to $200 for the next draw..
Also on the website is an update on the Annual Points Score and Aggregate Stableford competitions.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013 3:47 PM Subject: Hornibrook Registration 2013 ~ ASAP
Greetings members,
should you wish to participate in Hornibrook in Sydney in October, and have not already registered, please do so as soon as possible. The predicted limitation of starters to 144 has been confirmed. Final numbers are now being called for/allocated by the NSW MB & E organisers.
Registration forms received to date are...
Pleased be advised that each individual must register. Room-mate registration does not constitute a valid registration (see greyed out names, above). Please read form filling instructions on the website carefully. A couple of forms have been emailed in blank, and these don't count either.
Negotiations are current with a number of prestige courses for some pre-Hornibrook golf (Wed 9th - Fri 11th October). These include The Australian, Avondale, Bonnie Doon, The Lakes, New South Wales and St Michael's. Numbers will be limited. Some of the venues are expensive (prices range from $400+ to $75) but as only 3 days are available, less expensive options can be scheduled on the same day, to cater for all wallets. Generally, carts are not allowed without a medical certificate. It is anticipated that the pre-Hornibrook accommodation will be at the Novotel at tournament rates, but some scouting around may provide more cost effective accommodation within the general area. Please lodge expressions of interest with me. First in will have priority. Information will be posted on the website as it comes to hand. (see NEWS)
cheers, Jon
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2013 8:47 PM Subject: Hornibrook Heads-up
Greetings members,
I have it on good authority that the field for this year's Hornibrook may be limited to 144 players, in order to guarantee a single shotgun start and so reduce costs and organisational requirements. Whilst this augurs well for the future of the event, it has potential impact on the larger teams, Newcastle included, if teams are legislated to 20 entrants per state/region. In the past, such imbalance has been addressed by the re-distribution of unused quota from the smaller teams.
The wisdom is that at least in 2013, it will be a matter of first in - first served. To that end, please find provided HERE a link to the fully interactive 2013 Invitation & Registration Form, from the national MBA website. If you intend participating in Sydney at this year's tournament, you are encouraged to complete and submit your application as soon as possible. These I intend remitting to the organisers from 1 March onwards. Payment will not be necessary until the issue of invoices, which will be in late June. regards,
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Drafted: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 11:45 PM Subject:Newcastle MBA Golf Day ~ Pacific Dunes GC ~ Thursday 9th May 2013
Greetings Members, Sponsors and Visitors,
Please click HERE for the Notice for Thursday 9th May's first round of the Club Championship @ Pacific Dunes Golf Club. Be advised that this is an individual stroke event, and is to be played in 3 grades.
A Grade 0~14 B Grade 15~22 C Grade 23~36
Newcastle Permanent, loyal supporter of this event for quite some time, has determined to refocus their sponsorship and will be represented at Morisset, as well as The Vintage later in the calendar. VBD Chartered Accountants has generously sponsored this next event. Our thanks goes to member Scott Norrish (VBD Director), who also acts as our Honorary Auditor.
Shared motorised cart hire is included in the cost of the day. No booking is necessary.
Bacon & Egg rolls (sponsored by your club) are available before play.
A food and drinks cart will be available on the course, at members' own cost.
A Dress Code applies at Pacific Dunes.
Long pants, dress shorts or cargo shorts
Collared shirt or full button shirt
Anklet, sport or full length socks
Golf shoes with soft spikes
NO board shorts, track suit pants or denim
Long pants, dress shorts or knee length skirt
Collared shirt or full button shirt
Anklet, sport or full length socks
Golf shoes with soft spikes
NO board shorts, track suit pants or denim
Cart and Tee allocations, as well as Competition Card preparation, are all dependent upon accurate registrations. Should a member, after registering for play, find themselves unable to attend, it is their responsibility to advise their partner, endeavour to secure a replacement and have the registration sheet altered.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 11:16 PM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Toronto Greetings Members, Sponsors & Visitors
please click HERE to check the results from today's Golf Day at Toronto, sponsored by ReoweldP/L and incorporating the second elimination round of the Air View AluminiumSingles Knock Out.
The remaining 8 K/O competitors should be aware that their next match may be played, by mutual consent, at any venue, on any date up until the next scheduled round at Morisset on 5th June.
The field today was comprised of 58 contestants, with 4 members' guests and 4 sponsor's representatives or guests. Weather was very much as predicted this morning, with early showers clearing to an ideal, sometimes sunny day of golf. The course was well presented, the highlight being the excellent condition of the greens. Encouraging also was the very high number of competitors who stayed on for the presentation, which was completed by just after 4pm.
Be advised that, again, the Australian Truck & Bus Finance sponsored Members'Name Draw is valued at $100...happy winner ($200) Colin make sure you're in it....and remember, to qualify you must still be present at the draw.
Replacement or additional Team Shirts (black Nike model only, as pictured) can be ordered through club treasurer Lynn Gray. The recommended retail price is $85, but the committee has determined to continue subsidising these shirts at a members rate of $50. This price remains dependent upon a reasonably sized order. These can also be ordered on-line (click here)
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----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 5:02 AM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Charlestown Greetings Members, Sponsors & Visitors
please click HERE to find the results from yesterday's Golf Day at Charlestown, sponsored by Rovert Lighting & ElectricalP/L and incorporating the first elimination round of the Air View AluminiumSingles Knock Out.
The remaining 16 K/O competitors should be aware that their next match may be played, by mutual consent, at any venue, on any date up until the next scheduled round at Toronto on 16th April.
Yesterday's field was comprised of 42 contestants, with 0 members' guests and 4 visitors from the sponsor. This is an unprecedented low attendance which begs the question WHY ? If you're one of the 80 odd members who didn't attend, it would be appreciated if you could let us know your reasons, via the website feedback form . This will hopefully improve service to the membership in the future.
Weather was again ideal, we've certainly been blessed in 2013. Charlestown GC's management, proshop and catering staff are to be commended for their excellent standard of service, hospitality and organisation. Unfortunately the ground staff didn't appreciate that when we ask for white tees, we don't mean white tees within 2 metres of the normal yellow tee positions. As our results now (through submission to GolfLink) reflect in our weekly home club comps, the expectation is for a genuine and realistic challenge.
Be advised that the Australian Truck & Bus Finance sponsored Members'Name Draw has jackpotted to $ make sure you're in it....and remember, to qualify you must still be present at the draw.
Also availalble on the website is an update on the yearly Points Score. This competition in 2013 presents a valuable sponsorship opportunity for YOUR business, providing as it does regular and popular exposure every month. So too does our Aggregate Stableford competition. Expressions of interest should reach President Gary SheppardASAP.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2013 3:16 PM Subject: Start Sheet ~ Monday 25 March ~ Charlestown GC
Greetings Members & Visitors,
please find below the start sheet for Monday's Rovert Lighting & Electrical sponsored event at Charlestown Golf Club. Members are reminded they must be financial to be eligible for both the trophies and the Australian Truck & Bus Financial Services Members' Name Draw on the day. Bring your money on the day....
Should a member, after registering for play, find themselves unable to attend, it is their responsibility to advise their partner(s), endeavour to secure a replacement and have the registration sheet altered.
The day's program.....
9:30 ~10:15 am Registration & Membership Dues
Bacon & Egg roll available from the Bistro
order sandwiches for pick up @ lunchtime.
10:30 am Shotgun start
4:00 pm Presentation of Trophies
4:45 pm Members' Name Draw $100 cash
5:00 pm Close
To clarify what is proposed for the Members' Name Draw....
allfinancial members' names to be included in the draw (not just those who play on the day)
must be present at the event to claim prize.
must be present at the draw to claim prize.
up to 3 names will be drawn, until an attendant winner is found, otherwise...
$100 cash to jackpot each month until claimed.
Closing Day draw to be continuous, until an attendant winner is found.
A reminder that Monday's event is the first knock-out round for the Airview AluminiumSingles Knock-out competition. It is also the third round of the Annual Points Score, and the Averaged Aggregate Stableford competition.
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----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 10:07 PM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Newcastle -vs- Sydney
Greetings Members, Sponsors & Visitors
please click here for the results from Wednesday's 35th Annual Newcastle vs. Sydney Challenge at The Springs, sponsored by Smith & Sons in partnership with Beaumont Tiles, Bunnings Trade Centres, Innovative Timber Ideas & Winnings Appliances Commercial Division. Our sponsors' generosity is all that enables us to present a very cost effective golf experience to our participating members. Please visit their websites by clicking on their LOGOS on our RESULTS pages, and if you like what you see, make sure you let them know how you found them.
The field was down a dozen on last year, being comprised of 21 Sydney challengers and visitors, 53 Newcastle members, 6 Newcastle visitors and 9 sponsors' representatives and guests. The weather was ideal, sunny but humid, relieved by a moderate wind, in yet another fortunate break in the current run of rainy days. The course, off the blue markers, proved to be a genuine test of golf, as evinced by the average score of just under 26 Stableford points. Only four players equalled or bettered par. Congratulations to the team from Newcastle who held out (4 to 4) a strategically selected NSW contingent, and so retained THE CUP, which made its first public appearance in living memory. Mention must also be made of visitor BrettAngus whose 43 points (off a handicap of 23) were obviously scored on a different course to the rest of the field. Speed of play was also satisfactory, with the fastest group finished in a little over four hours, and most of the field in well under five.
Dinner this year was again a BBQ Buffet affair, which was exceptionally well received. As we have come to expect, a lively presentation ensued, with NSW MB & E Captain Merv Cross his usual entertaining self, followed by an equally eloquent Tony Brown. The consensus view is that The Springs is an outstanding golfing venue with an enthusiastic and professional team providing a memorable golf and dinner experience ~ sufficient to warrant nomination as the permanent venue for our annual challenge.
Please note that 2013 Membership Subscriptions were due on the 1st February, and must be paid to be eligible for competitions. Please notify me (email preferred) if you require a Tax Invoice/Receipt. Banking Details for Direct Deposit are ... Newcastle MBA Golf Club.... BSB 012~770 .... A/C # 2059 09218. and quote the Tax Invoice number (if you have one) or your name as the reference.
Looking forward to Rovert Lighting & Electrical Pty Ltd'sday at Charlestown on Monday 25th March......1st round of the Airview AluminiumSingles Knock-out.....the DRAW for which can also be found at the RESULTS link above..
Thanks again to all of our Sydney brethren who accepted this year's challenge. Please come again, you know you're welcome at all of our events. We're just up the road by Sydney travelling standards, our courses are all interesting and challenging, and our cost structure is very attractive. We hope to see you all on a golf course, somewhere, soon... and each bring along a mate...
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 6:02 PM Subject: Vale ~ Wal Pinfold
Sad tidings Members,
It is with regret that I inform you of the recent death of one of our better known past members, Wal Pinfold. Wal was a former Newcastle MBA President and a long time golf club supporter.
A Funeral Service will be held for Wal at 11am tomorrow at the Merewether Central Uniting Church, Glebe Road Merewether. The club will be represented by immediate past President Warren Deane.
PINFOLD WALLACE PERCIVAL "Wal" 24th February 2013 Formerly of Merewether Aged 93 Years
Loving husband of JUNE (decd). Much loved father and father-in-law of GEOFF and ROS PINFOLD, ROS and MICHAEL GIANACAS. Dearly loved pa of ANGELA and TODD, SARAH and SCOTT, DUNCAN, SHANNON and RACHEL, CHRISTOPHER, LOUISA and MICHAEL. Great pa of ARCHIE, MIMI, LUCY, SAMMY, LACHLAN, ALICE and BONNIE. Much loved brother of WARREN and VAL (decd), and ALAN (decd). Sadly missed by their FAMILIES.
Relatives and Friends are invited to attend WALs Funeral Service to be held in the Merewether Central Uniting Church, Glebe Road, Merewether on WEDNESDAY, 27th February 2013 commencing at 11am.
A private cremation will follow. In lieu of flowers, donations in WALs memory to the Macular Disease Foundation may be made at the Service.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 9:50 AM Subject: Vale ~ David Sheppard
Greetings Members,
Sad news with the recent passing of David Sheppard, father of club president Gary. Our thoughts are with Gary and his family at this sorrowful time.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 1:14 AM Subject:Congratulations Michael Parker.
Greetings members,
our congratulations go to member Michael Parker, who has been elevated to the role of PRESIDENT at Waratah Golf Club. As the son of Newcastle MBA Golf Club's longest serving Captain Reg Parker, Michael is no stranger to the rigours and demands of golf club administration. We wish him every success in this endeavour...
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 12:22 AM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Opening Day Greetings Members, Sponsors & Visitors
please click here for the results from yesterday's Opening Day at Waratah Golf Club, sponsored by MGA Insurance Brokers. Our thanks goes to manager Ross Lewis for continuing his support in 2013.
After an overcast start, conditions lightened up with no sign of the forecast occasional showers. The day was dry, calm, and at times quite sunny. The course was in good shape, with lush fairways and moderately quick greens, and the benefit of the shotgun start was obvious with most players finishing in about four and a half hours. Some very impressive scores were the result.....
The day was a strong members' event with 57 members (including 3 new recruits) in the field of 61, although down a little on the good attendances we have come to expect.
Congratulations to all of the winners, as well as those 32 players who qualified for this year's Airview AluminiumSinglesKnockout. The cut was approximately 33 points, and all qualifiers who are unable to attend the subsequent rounds should let Vice Captain Kevin (4963 2521) know immediately so he can allocate the reserves into the draw...(click here for Program 2013)
Please note that 2013 Membership Subscriptions ($50 normal, $550 Corporate) were due on the 1st January, and must be paid to be eligible for competitions. Please notify me (email preferred) if you require a Tax Invoice/Receipt.
Banking Details for Direct Deposit are ... Name: Newcastle MBA Golf Club BSB: 012~770 A/C #: 2059 09218 and please quote the Tax Invoice number (if you have one) or your name as the reference. Cheques may be posted to ..... Honorary Secretary Newcastle MBA Golf Cub PO Box 186 Warners Bay NSW 2282. Well supported again this year is the Corporate Membership package, which is available to all of our members, whether in business or not. This option offers considerable savings, and is transferable to your guests. It is not accumulative beyond 2013. Contact me if you need more details.....
Thanks on behalf of the membership to Australian Truck & Bus Financial Services for supporting our Members Name Draw. This is a renewing sponsor and is represented in the club by member Bill Pitt. Some information on the Members' Name Draw....
allfinancial members' names to be included in the draw (not just those who play on the day)
must be present at the event to claim prize.
must be present at the draw to claim prize.
up to 3 names will be drawn, until an attendant winner is found, otherwise...
$100 cash to jackpot each month until claimed.
Closing Day draw to be continuous, until an attendant winner is found.
Another renewing sponsor in 2013 is Hanson Concrete, represented by club member Nathan Branz. Hanson are providing prizes for the Drive-at-Target competition, which are awarded to the drives (A & B grade) finishing closest to the target (on the fairway)...... not necessarily for actually hitting it !!
Regrettably a number of former sponsors have not renewed in 2013. We are very grateful for their support, in many cases over many years, and wish them every success in the future. This leaves our budget somewhat challenged. On the bright side, it has opened a number of opportunities for new and aspiring sponsors, from entry level through to using our event as a vehicle for your own corporate event. Please contact Gary Sheppard should you desire more information.
A proposed event (for members only) is the Bird's Nest prize, which is a pot of golf balls awarded to the NTP winner whose ball rests less than 50cm from the hole. This will jackpot at the rate of 3 golf balls per event, until it is claimed. We are currently looking for a sponsor for this monthly event. Please contact Gary as above with your offers.
I take this opportunity, having survived the festive season once again, to wish you all good health and fortune for the whole of 2013 and look forward to seeing you at the NSW-v-Newcastle MBA Cup Challenge at The Springs on Wednesday 27th February. Do not miss this little known gem of a golf course !!!
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 10:29 PM Subject: Registrations ~ Newcastle MBA Golf Day ~ Waratah GC ~ 21 January 2013
Greetings members & visitors,
please find below the list of players so far registered for Monday week's MGA Insurance Brokers sponsored Opening Day at Waratah Golf Club. Nominations are currently short of the 80 starters required by Waratah GC to qualify for our preferred shotgun start, and members are encouraged to remind their colleagues or invite a friend to help make up the necessary numbers.
Finger food and Happy hour at the end of play !!!
Members are reminded that this event is also the QUALIFYING ROUND for the Airview Aluminium Singles Knock-out Competition, with the top 32 players to progress to the next round. All of the knock-out rounds are detailed on the Annual Program. Players who know they will be unavailable for subsequent rounds are requested to mark their cards as ineligible, in order to enable full and fair allocation of the seeds.
Should you wish to join us on this day, please submit your registration ASAP. In order to allocate appropriate tees for this shotgun start, you are requested to indicate.....
your name and current handicap,
your playing partner & his handicap, if applicable, and
Atchison, Ted ; Atkin, Charles ; Atkins, Brian ; Barnett, Denis ; Blackmore, Tony ; Blake, Ken ; Branz, Nathan ; Britt, Peter ; Brown, Rodney ; Brown, Wayne (v) ; Cardew, Paul ; Chard, Ben ; Clode, Ed ; Collins, Bill ; Davies, Adam (v) ; Drury, Peter ; Fox, Barry ; Gibbs, Phillip ; Gizzi, Jim ; Gray, Lynn ; Griffiths, John ; Hamilton, Andrew (v) ; Hamilton, Scott ; Hanson, Brian ; Harvey, James (v) ; Heppell, Jon ; Hollman, Jim (v) ; Hutchinson, Craig ; Keelan, Terry ; Lewis, Ross ; Macrae, Colin ; Michilis, Tom ; Morrison, Neil ; Mowbray, Trevor ; Nicholas, Michael ; Norrish, Scott ; Parker, Michael ; Pitt, Bill ; Roberts, Bob ; Sheppard, Gary ; Stocks, Darren (v) ; Sutherland, Peter ; Thomas, Graeme ; Walsh, Michael (v) ; Welsh, Bruce ; Wyborn, Mark
Event registrations and apologies should be submitted through the appropriate website forms. Your assistance is appreciated.
Newcastle MBA Golf Club is now also on facebook. Members may prefer to access our information through this portal. I am a facebook novice and welcome any guidance or assistance in the management of this facility. regards,
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:10 PM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Day ~ Waratah GC ~ Monday 21st January 2013
Greetings Members, Sponsors and Visitors,
welcome to another golfing year with Newcastle MBA Golf Club. Please click HERE for the Notice of Monday 21st January's Opening Day golf @ Waratah Golf Club. Be advised that this is a Stableford event, to be conducted over 2 grades. It is also the Qualifying Round for the Airview Aluminium Singles Knock Out Competition, with the top 32 players to qualify, so be sure not to miss it.
Thanks goes to MGA Insurance Brokers as major sponsors on the day, toWaratah Golf Club Pro-Shop, coming on board with the NTP prizes; as well as to prize sponsors IronBark Hill Wines, Ross Lewis MGA Insurance Brokers, Hanson Concrete and Hunter Star Mercedes. Members will be pleased that Bill Pitt and Australian Truck & Bus Financial Services P/L are again in 2013 providing a $100 monthly Members Draw prize, and should ensure they check out all of the sponsors' websites by following the links (blue text, underlined, OR clicking on their logo) in the notice.
Cart hire is up to the individual. To avoid disappointment, it is considered prudent to book carts in advance with Scott or Grant at the Pro Shop (ph. 02 4958 3558).
In order to allocate appropriate tees for this shotgun start, you are requested to indicate
Also on the website is the Events Calendar for 2013, sponsored this year by Hunter Valley Granite & Marble.
A reminder that Annual Fees ($50 individual, $550 Corporate) are due at or before registration on Opening Day. Members must be financial in order to qualify for any competition.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 5:33 AM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Closing Day
Greetings Members, Visitors & Sponsors,
please click HERE for the results both from last Thursday's Closing Day event held at Shortland Waters Golf Club, and the Annual Trophies for 2012. Congratulations to all of the recipients.
With 70 starters, including 8 sponsor's and members' guests, attendance was similar to last year's improved numbers. Once again we got lucky with the weather, and perfect conditions assured all of a most enjoyable round of golf. The Shortland Waters course has again benefitted from recent alternating rains and sunshine, with the course in good shape, and the greens, although a little slow, looking as good as I can recall.
The presentation during dinner of both the day's prizes and the annual trophies was a lively affair, one highlight of which was the presentation of Life Member Certificates to 2012 inductees Barry Barrett and Kevin Woodcock. The meal by Shortland Waters Grill was generous and most enjoyable, as were the wines provided once again by IronBark Hill. President Gary conveyed on behalf of the whole membership our gratitude to the loyal sponsors who support the club throughout the year, both on and off the course.
2013 is the club's 50th year. All members and their guests be advised that they should be around in January for our Opening Day (top 32 to qualify for the Airview AluminiumSingles KO) on the 21st at Waratah. We've maintained the program at 12 games. There will be an email with the details.....or consult the website.....HERE.
Thanks to you the members and sponsors for turning out in such positive numbers during 2012, to make the year yet another success. Everyone have a safe and happy Christmas, and I wish you all health and prosperity in the New Year.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 11:26 AM Subject: Builders & Contractors Expo - 18 October 2012
Master Builders would like to remind you that we have the Hunter Region Builders & Contractors Expo this Thursday, 18 October 2012.
With your business being a part of the building and construction industry, the MBA Expo is tailor made for you! It's packed full of free education, networking opportunities and exhibitors that are all designed to help you manage your business better.
With over 60 exhibitors, the Expo is a superior showcase of products and services to the building industry.
An additional break out session has been added to the schedule! At 3.30pm you can find out all your needs for further your qualifications through career pathways from the MBA Training Department. For further information on the breakout sessions, please click here.
You can also earn 2 CPD points for 2 hours attendance - at no cost to you!
Date: Thursday, 18 October 2012 Time: 2.00pm - 7.00pm Venue: Newcastle Jockey Club - Darling Street, Broadmeadow Cost: Free to attend Please Click Here to book on-line or complete the registration form below and fax to 02 4953 9433
Name / Licence No. (for CPD): Business Name / Membership No.: Phone: Name of Guest 1: / Licence No. (for CPD): Name of Guest 2: / Licence No. (for CPD): The positions expressed by the presenters, who are not Association employees, are their own. The Association does not endorse or adopt positions made by independent presenters.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 5:16 PM Subject: Late News.....
Greetings members,
a reminder that the Australian Truck & Bus Finance P/L sponsored Member's Name Draw has jackpotted to $300, to be drawn again at our game in 2 weeks
Remember, you have to be both present and financial to win it, so click HERE now to register for Muree, Round 2 of the Club Championships.
Also to be drawn after the Muree presentation is the raffle for a VOUCHER (valued at $400) for overnight accommodation + resort facilities + golf + cart for 2 persons at .....
BONVILLE INTERNATIONAL GOLF RESORT, with consolation wine prizes from IronBark Hill Winery
to cap off our efforts in support of RIDBC & Camp Quality. Tickets are $5 each, 3 for $10 or 5 for $15, and can be purchased either on the day, or in advance by clicking HERE
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 11:37 AM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Day ~ Muree GC ~ 27 September 2012
Greetings Members, Visitors and Sponsors,
please click HERE to read the Notice for this month's golf day @ Muree Golf Club. Be advised that this day, as Round 2 of the Club Championship, is a stroke event, and will be conducted over 3 grades, commencing from two tees from 10:30 am.
Welcome once again to The Nova Group as major sponsors on the day, as well as to the Muree Golf Club ProShop, coming on board with our NTP prizes; also Australian Truck & Bus Finances; Hunter Star Mercedes; IronBark Hill Wines and Ross Lewis MGA Insurance Brokers. Members may wish to check out all of the sponsors websites by following the links (blue text, underlined, OR clicking on their logo) in the notice.
Cart hire is up to the individual. To avoid disappointment, it is considered prudent to book carts in advance through the pro shop (ph. 4987 2978.....Nathan Goodchild).
A light lunch is included in the cost of the day. Players are discouraged from lingering over lunch, in order to ensure a timely finish.
Members are expected to familiarise themselves with the requirements of behaviour, mobile telephone and dress regulations of the golf clubs that we are privileged to attend. Members shall act with dignity at all times and observe both the rules and etiquette of the game of golf.
To facilitate this outcome, consumption of alcohol on the course during play is discouraged, and any behaviour bringing the club into disrepute will be referred to the Committee for appropriate action.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 10:24 PM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Merewether
Greetings Members, Sponsors & Visitors,
please click HERE for the results from today's Terry Keelan Plumbing P/L / NHS Plasterboard & Timber co-sponsored Golf Day at Merewether Golf Club. The field was comprised of 77 contestants, including 35 members' or sponsors' guests who made up for a surprising number of absentee members. A number of our other sponsors were also represented, including Bass Floor Co, Hunter Star Motors, IronBark Hill Wines, MGA Insurance Brokers, Newcastle Perm and Nova Showerscreens & Wardrobes.
This event was also a Charity Benefit for RIDBC & Camp Quality and succeeded in raising a significant amount for the Hunter's unwell or disadvantaged kids. Full details and acknowledgements will be published after a final accounting. Donations can still be made by clicking HERE.
Congratulations goes to The Builders, who, in spite of The Architects being supported by a superior number of academics, engineers, subcontractors, suppliers and surveyors, reversed last year's aberrant result with a convincing 8 to 5 victory. Thanks to Mark Abrahams, Daniel Bush and Joel Chamberlain from Suters who attended on behalf of their profession, once again seriously underrepresented.
I hope to see you on a golf course somewhere, soon.....
Thanks for Supporting such a Great Cause! 24 Aug 12 13:55 PM
Many of us have a commitment to a favoured charity, and we all have our own way of showing it. N MBA GC members recently supported RIDBC & Camp Quality at the Charity Golf day @ Merewether. Member Mark Wyborn was unable to attend the golf, but made a generous contribution to our prize & auction pool anyway.
In the face of much competition for the donation dollar, it is said that charity begins at home, and one good turn deserves another. Not only has Mark supported RIDBC & Camp Quality, but he is about to lay his body on the line in support of his favoured charity, "Live for Kids", undertaking a gruelling 2 day bicycle ride from Port Macquarie to Newcastle. Newcastle MBA Golf Club has pledged $100 in support of Mark's efforts, and the committee encourages our members and sponsors to make whatever contribution they are able. Donation is easy, just click hereand follow the prompts.
Everyone who knows Mark calls him "Wacky" (very old nick name). Mark is married to Kelly, with two sons Zac 14, and Ben 9, and has played competitive sports all his life, including Rugby League, competition squash, and cycling. He started cycling after his footy finished as he needed to find something else to do. He also enjoys the odd round of golf.
The reason Mark is completing the ride is that his son Ben was presented with a bike from Live for Kids recently and he thought that putting himself through two days of pain was the least he could do. As he only decided to ride three weeks out from the event, his training will be limited but thinking of Ben riding with him, as family will get him home.
Details of the Live for Kids Cycle Classic can be found here.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:49 PM Subject: AGM ~ 2012
Greetings Members,
please be advised that the Annual General Meeting was successfully conducted at 5:00pm on Monday 6th August, at Newcastle Golf Club, and was attended by 44 members. Newcastle Golf Club achieved their usual high standard as hosts with outstanding accompanying finger food, much appreciated by all.
The highlight of the meeting was the induction by unanimous acclaim of long term club stalwarts Barry Barrett and Kevin Woodcock as Life Members of the club. Our congratulations to these gentlemen, whose outstanding support of our Hornibrook Tournaments for nearly 40 years and their contributions to the club as Committeeman and Vice Captain make them each a standout for this recognition.
A copy of the AGM Minutes and attached Financial Reports can be located by clicking HERE.
----- Original Message ----- From:N.MBA.GC To:MBA Golf Club Members & Visitors Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 10:30 PM Subject: Newcastle MBA Golf Club ~ Results ~ Newcastle
Greetings Members, Sponsors & Visitors,
please click HERE for the results from yesterday's Bass Floor Company sponsored Golf Day at Newcastle Golf Club. The field was comprised of 70 competitors, including 4 members' or sponsor's guests. NSW MB & E was also represented by Chris Oldrey, Rod Stockwell and Rod Wheatley with their guests Brian Doolan & David Mackenzie. Also available at the above link are updates on the TC Manufacturing Jewellers sponsored Annual Points Score, and Hunter Valley Granite & Marble Aggregate Stableford competitions
The players enjoyed an ideal day for golf ~ cool, sunny, breezy and dry ~ on a course in excellent condition. Scoring however turned out to be difficult, made moreso by the slickness of the greens. A modest 34 points was sufficient to get into the money.
The Airview AluminiumSingles Knockout was completed in a tight tussle between Barry Fox and Chris Jolley, who prevailed over Barry on the 19th hole after forcing a sudden death playoff.
Be advised that the Australian Truck & Bus Finance sponsored Members'Name Draw is now valued at $200...unhappily for the three absent members whose names were drawn by sponsor's representative Bill pays to be there....and remember, to qualify you must still be present at the draw.
A wine raffle of 8 mixed IronBark Hill wines reminded us that our next event is the CHARITY GOLF DAY in support of the Hunter's disadvantaged kids. This will be in conjunction with the annual Builders -v- Architects 3-man ambrose challenge.
We are looking for donations, auction items and raffle prizes in support of this worthwhile cause, and request any members able to assist in this to contact me ASAP. Any contributions are most appreciated, no donation too small. Member Terry Keelan (Plumbing Pty Ltd) has kicked off the effort by co-sponsoring the day and dinner (along with NHS Plasterboard & Timber).
The wine raffle raised nearly $700 and was won by Tony Blackmore. Tony's hosting a barbie this weekend, and his address is.......???......just kidding...
a very successful day was enjoyed last game at Hawks Nest, with Newcastle MBA Golf Club members earning a very respectable 78 golf balls in the Pro-shop ball comp....
Full list of winners is attached on left.
Balls will be available for pick up at Newcastle in two weeks.
It is with regret that I inform you of the death of one of our past members, John Earp, after a long illness. John was a long time club stalwart and played with us until the the early 2000's. A Memorial Service will be held at 12 noon tomorrow, at Christchurch Cathedral. The club will be represented by immediate past President Warren Deane.
JOHN CHALLEN Late of Bar Beach Passed away 3rd June 2012 Aged 74 Years
Dearly loved husband of ROSLYN, much loved father and father-in-law of MICHAEL and JUDY, RICHARD and SALLY, DAVID and ANNA, ANDREW and CHELSEA. Loving grandfather of their FAMILIES. Loved brother of ANTHONY, brother-in-law and uncle of MARGARET and COLIN DENT, ROBERT and JUDY MITCHELL, and their FAMILIES.
Will be sadly missed.
Relatives and Friends are warmly invited to attend a Memorial Service in memory of JOHN, to be held in Christ Church Cathedral, Church St Newcastle, on THURSDAY 7/6/12, commencing at 12noon.
New Golf Australia Handicap System
6 MARCH 2012 – Update Regarding the Development of the New GA Handicap System
In May 2011, GA provided to the industry a plan for the development and implementation of the new GA Handicap System. Included in this plan was a note advising that GA intended to post on its website at the end of November 2011 a document detailing the proposed system. The implementation plan also noted that this proposal would be formally considered by the GA Board early in 2012.
GA ultimately decided against posting a document on the GA website in November 2011. This was partly to enable any announcement to include the outcome of an extensive statistical analysis.
GA is currently working with GOLF Link on the potential software implications of the new regulations. A communication announcing the contents of the complete new GA Handicap System is scheduled to be released on Friday 1 June.
View the communication from the Chairman of Golf Australia dated 1 June 2012.